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Resolving Contractor Complaints | Pro Gas and Heating Servies
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Resolving Contractor Complaints


A message from the team to you our valued Customer

Houston, we have a problem… and we are so very very sorry you are not happy with the services provided by our Gas Contractor.

PGHS wants you to know that your satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us, we’re on your side and we are more than willing to assist you in resolving whatever your issue is. Your satisfaction is our satisfaction!


5 of the most important things to remember when seeking to resolve a complaint

We are a professional Company; we handle customer requests in a professional manor.


Your opinion matters, however, opinions based on misinformation, speculation or unverifiable facts are of no use.


To help your case, documented evidence must be provided. Why? Because PGHS’s contractors are licensed professionals in their field, with years of experience, their findings stand unless proven wrong by other professionals or documentation of equal standing.


Your opinions alone or that of an unsupported voice (the “he said she said” or “my friend said”) is not in of itself, proof of anything, or evidence enough to override our licensed Gas Contractors findings, recommendations and actions.


If, you signed our invoice agreeing to the charges, and acknowledging satisfaction, that statement is highly compelling. Their has to be overriding evidence submitted by you to over shadow your previous acknowledgements, please make sure you provide it.


Some other things to remember

Before proceeding there are a few administrative things we need you to know in order for things to be resolved smoothly.

Pursuant to our terms of service no.24 (when you signed our invoice), you first need to put your complaint in writing. We can not accept phone in complaints because we need to keep the facts straight and like any important story we don’t want to misinterpret you or forget anything you have said, so please put your info in writing.


If your complaint is related to the quality of service you can submit your complaint for resolution anytime after the service date and we will start our process to resolve the matter however,


If your complaint is related to how much you were charged, you must submit your complaint within 30 calendar days from the date of service after which all sales and charges per the invoice are considered final and correct. 


ProGas and Heating Services (PGHS) will not release or discuss information related to sales, service, repairs, installations and invoice billing to third parties unless expressly ordered to do so by the person that signed the invoice. Customer authorization can either be verbal or if written, must bear the signature of the person that signed the invoice, after which we are more than happy to resolve the issue with you.


Where a third party(s) seek to act on behalf of an elderly customer who is alleged to have Dementia, Alzheimer’s or a similar mental disability and/or alleged to be incapable of entering into contractual agreements; PGHS reserves the right to request and receive ‘’enduring power of attorney’’ or a similar document attesting to the mental incapacitation of the customer at which point there is an exemption provided related to the 30 calendar day limitation to dispute sales and charges.


Please… be polite. Our staff are here to help you resolve whatever is upsetting you. If your grievance is with our contractor(s) please don’t take it out on PGHS or the staff, we are here to help and we can not effect a resolution if we’re busy fending off unwarranted or misguided accusations. Remember… we were not there, but we sure can help, so give us that opportunity.

ProGas and Heating Services, services about 10,000 people per year with about 100 complaints and we resolve approximately 97% of those complaints, the remaining 3% was not for a lack of trying. So let’s see what we can do for you!


Some Important Facts

Our contractors  must comply with all Technical Safety BC (Formerly known as Gas Safety) Regulations, requirements and directions in the performance of their duties


Our Contractors are required to conduct themselves with integrity, honesty and strong moral character when dealing with PGHS Customers


Our contractors are required to warranty their work for 30 calendar days to you our customer and to ProGas and Heating Services.

Our Contractors are solely responsible for the resolution of Customer complaints.


ProGas and Heating Services maintains a $1000 holdback from each contractor in the event the contractor fails to resolve the issue where a refund is warranted. We will take care of that for you!

You have double the “bang for your buck” with the resolution process. If the Contractor in question does not resolve your complaint within a reasonable time, ProGas and Heating will resolve the matter to the customers satisfaction.


Our Resolution Process

Please note: Simple complaints can be resolved within 24-48 hrs. via email however, if your complaint has a story attached to it, allow 5-10 business days for us to get back to you.
First, we need to receive your complaint in writing and all relevant documentation that supports your complaint and allegations.
Please provide a copy of your invoice with the complaint.
You will receive an acknowledgment of your correspondence within 24hrs.
Your complaint will be assigned to a Customer Service representative and forwarded to the Contractor for action.
If after 7 days the contractor has not responded to you or the resolution is at an impasse, your complaint is escalated and PGHS takes over the process.


To the rare person that posts negatively about PGHS on Social Media. Do you really really need to?

Were assuming, you have at least attempted to resolve your complaint through PGHS’s Contractor resolution process, your still not happy, so now your telling the world about it. 


Posting a negative review to social media can severely affect PGHS’s online reputation and thereby hinder our ability to conduct business in the community. It’s a very serious matter.


Before you post negatively to social media, learn more about PGHS’s contractors and there obligations to you, our valued customer, click here, To learn more about PGHS’s Terms of Service (TOS) that you agreed too when signing the PGHS invoice, click here 


While “Freedom of Expression” is protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms these rights and freedoms don’t protect you against civil law suits if your posting is untrue or twisted in such a way that it promotes a false or misleading statement of events. If you exaggerate the facts, omit facts that put events into a new light, put forth an ill-informed opinion that has no basis, or make unsubstantiated claims of fact, you will be opening yourself up to trouble: at the very least a letter from PGHS’s lawyer and more-than-likely, if the posting is not corrected or removed, legal action for committing defamation libel.


It is PGHS’s policy to meet defamatory, libelous online postings aggressively, to publicly identify the author and to hold that person to the stickiest proof thereof, if necessary in a court of law. This company has every right to protect its reputation from irresponsible, malicious or petty minded people/postings.


I have to admit, as the author of this segment I never thought I would see the day when I would be posting about such a dark topic. I have always strived to adhere to positive values, as alluded to in ProGas and Heating Services Mission Statement, however, these are modern times, with an interconnected world that can spread “vomit” at the speed of light and online platforms geared to that end.


While we all know, mistakes are made, people have there various opinions, can be emotionally charged in there narrative and believe what they will; PGHS would respectfully like to say – we service approximately 10, 000 people per year, if your one of the very few unhappy customers that we have not been able to make happy, we are sorry for our failure(s).


PGHS strongly urges you to loop back to us before posting negatively, to see if we can stay friendly. If in the alternative, you find it necessary to post, kindly ensure your posting is most of all, truthful, factual, avoids unfounded speculation or misleading statements and is a balanced accounting of events.


–  Ed Lowe


There’s two ways you can start the contractor resolution process, email or here for our inhouse form


Other links you may be interested in

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