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Commercial Rates (Strata)


For the purposes of establishing the threshold for a commercial rate, ProGas and Heating Services defines commercial as – Where there is 10 or more gas appliances housed in a common building or common property, being serviced consecutively on the same day.

Our Rates 2022-2023

Per Gas Fireplace only Per Gas furnace or Boiler only Per Gas furnace or Boiler and Gas Fireplace
10-100 $85.00 plus tax $119.00 plus tax $194.00 plus tax
101-200 $83.00 plus tax $117.00 plus tax $190.00 plus tax
201+ $81.00 plus tax $115.00 plus tax $186.00 plus tax

How we add things up

Commercial single service rates and joint combo rates and calculated based upon the prescribed tables above and are based upon overall volume and how many appliance you personally may require servicing; either a single service rate or combo service or combo plus addon will apply. Commercial rates are generally 50% of that of regular residential service, so nonmatter what your getting done, the price you pay via your strata bring PGHS in, your savings are huge.

Examples are:

If you have 2 gas fireplaces and the commercial rate is $75.00 per appliance you would pay $150 plus tax.

If you have a Furnace and two Gas Fireplaces, you would pay 184.00, adding an extra fireplace to the servicing would add another $75. The fee would be $184+75 = $259 plus tax.


Our Terms of Service

1 Repairs are NOT included with Annual Gas Appliance Servicing.
2 Unless otherwise agreed to by ProGas and Heating Services, we do not warranty gas appliances or parts therein, against breakage/breakdown during or after servicing. if manufactures warranty has expired, it remains the sole responsibility of the customer to pay all parts and labor costs for such repairs
3 The investigation, determination and resolution of customer issues remains solely with the PGHS contractor and secondly PGHS. If a customer intends on using another company to resolve an issue; PGHS and/or its contractors accept no liability financial or otherwise related to the matter. Should the customer proceed with using the third-party company, it remains the sole responsibility of the customer to pay all related costs.
4 All calls to and from PGHS are recorded for training and quality control.